
Evolve Body Contouring is a revolutionary approach to achieving your ideal physique without surgery or extensive downtime. At Sikara Medspa, we're proud to offer this cutting-edge treatment. Evolve utilizes advanced technologies to target multiple areas of concern, including loose skin, stubborn fat, and lack of muscle tone. Whether you're looking to sculpt your abdomen, slim your thighs, lift your buttocks, tone your arms, or define your flanks, Evolve can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with remarkable results. With our personalized approach and state-of-the-art technology, we're dedicated to helping you look and feel your best.

What is an Evolve treatment like?

The Evolve treatment is a comfortable and non-invasive experience designed to help you achieve your desired body contouring goals. During the session, you'll relax on a treatment bed while our skilled technician applies the Evolve applicators to the targeted areas. These applicators deliver controlled radiofrequency energy and/or electromagnetic pulses, depending on the specific treatment mode, to stimulate the skin, fat, and muscle tissues. You may feel a warm sensation and gentle pulling or stretching as the applicators work, but most clients find the treatment quite comfortable and even relaxing. There's no need for anesthesia or numbing creams, and you can expect to return to your normal activities immediately after your session. With each treatment typically lasting around 30-60 minutes, Evolve fits easily into your busy schedule, allowing you to achieve noticeable results without disrupting your daily routine.

The Evolve treatment can effectively target various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and flanks.

Why we love it:

We love the Evolve treatment because of its versatility and effectiveness. It offers a comprehensive solution for body contouring, addressing multiple concerns such as loose skin, stubborn fat, and lack of muscle tone, all in one treatment. Evolve's advanced technology allows us to customize the treatment to each individual's needs, ensuring optimal results. Clients appreciate the non-invasive nature of the procedure, as well as the minimal discomfort and downtime involved. With Evolve, we can help our clients achieve their desired aesthetic goals, whether they're looking to sculpt their abdomen, slim their thighs, lift their buttocks, tone their arms, or define their flanks. It's a safe, convenient, and highly effective option for those seeking to enhance their body contours and boost their confidence.


  • The Evolve treatment works through innovative technologies that target different aspects of body contouring. Evolve utilizes radiofrequency energy and electromagnetic pulses to stimulate the skin, fat, and muscle tissues. For skin tightening, Evolve Tite delivers radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and resulting in tighter, firmer skin. Evolve Trim combines radiofrequency with vacuum technology to precisely target and reduce fat deposits, contouring the body without surgery or downtime. Finally, Evolve Tone utilizes electromagnetic pulses to induce muscle contractions, strengthening and toning the muscles in the treated areas. By addressing skin laxity, fat reduction, and muscle toning simultaneously, Evolve provides comprehensive body contouring results.

  • You can expect to see noticeable results from the Evolve treatment within a few weeks to a few months after completing your sessions. Results vary depending on factors like skin type and treatment area, but many clients report improvements in skin tightness, fat reduction, and muscle tone over time.

  • The number of Evolve treatments you'll need depends on various factors, including your individual goals and the specific areas being treated. However, most clients typically undergo a series of 4-6 sessions spaced about 1-2 weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Your skincare specialist at Sikara Medspa will assess your needs during a consultation and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to help you reach your desired outcome.

  • The Evolve treatment is generally not painful. While you may feel some warmth and a gentle pulling or stretching sensation during the procedure, most clients find it comfortable and even relaxing. There's no need for anesthesia or numbing creams, and any discomfort experienced is usually mild and temporary. If you have any concerns about discomfort, your skincare specialist at Sikara Medspa can address them and ensure your comfort throughout the treatment.

  • There is typically no downtime with the Evolve treatment. You can resume your regular activities immediately after each session without any restrictions. Some clients may experience mild redness or temporary swelling in the treated areas, but these effects usually resolve quickly. The non-invasive nature of the treatment means you can easily fit it into your busy schedule without needing to take time off work or other activities.

  • Book your experience by calling 702.778.6886 or completing our online consultation request form today!